Composting in the City … Yeah, It Is Possible and Easy!

Sure, it’s easy to set up a compost bin and take out leftovers when you live in wide open plains. But what about when you live in a cramped city with minimal space and even less outdoor space? Follow our tips for composting in the city made easy.

Got a fire escape, rooftop, or terrace (lucky you)? Then you have space to compost. Here’s how you do it.
Get a large plastic or metal bucket with air holes (or poke them yourself).

city composting

Set it on top of two 2-inch thick blocks of wood so the air holes aren’t blocked. You can set a tray underneath to collect any drippings, too.

Now start your base with leaves, newspaper, finished composted soil, or low-moisture potting soil.
Then gradually add in your scraps (here’s a list of food you can add). Bury them a bit so they break down easier and keep it moist by watering every now and then.

You also want to turn it about once a month. As you get the feel of how the compost should turn out you can adjust by turning more or less.

And in 2-3 weeks, you’ll have amazing soil for your potted plants and mini garden.

You could also incorporate worms … but we’ll start you off simple.

It’s really super easy and doesn’t smell all that bad. If it does, you may be doing something wrong. Visit your city’s governmental website for organizations that hold composting classes and even sell bins in some cases.
If you’re not on board with the whole composting idea, you can still contribute.

Get yourself a kitchen compost container and add all your compostable scraps to that throughout the week. 
Don’t worry, they have a charcoal filters to absorb any odors so it won’t stink up your kitchen or apartment. 

Then at the end of the week, drop them off at a local farm, CSA, or compost drop-off center. Just check your city’s environmental page for places to drop them. And if your city doesn’t have 
compost drop-off centers just yet, ahem … why not make a few calls and get one started.


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